Protected by default
If you look at the core design of the blocks your database methods will reside within a class. So it will look something like
public class YourDataAccessClass : SqlServerDataAccess { public YourDataAccessClass() : base( IDataAccessConfig ) { } //... your methods go here }
At this point you are working with the context of a class, you can then write you data access method within that class.
public IList<ProductSummary> GetProductSummaryContainingName(string searchTerm) { var sql = "Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] Where Name like @searchTerm"; var cmd = CreateTextCommand(sql).WithParameter(searchTerm.ToSqlParameter("@searchTerm")); return Execute(cmd).ToListOf<ProductSummary>(); }
So in the example above we are searching for all projects with the name like the search term.
There are a number of key design elements here:
- We don't trust the data in searchTerm. As such the searchTerm is parameterized. "Name like @searchTerm"
- The creation of the command is down within the function in this case we we creating a text command to send to the database. The command is the object that contains the SQL Text.
- we call execute passing the the command. Both the CreateTextCommand and the Execute method are project by default. As such the calling code can only call GetProductSummaryContainingName it cannot call Execute.
This design offers you as a developer a degree of projection:
what can go wrong if you dont use parameters
consider the same code without parameters
public IList<ProductSummary> GetProductSummaryContainingName(string searchTerm) { var sql = $"Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] Where Name like '{searchTerm}'"; var cmd = CreateTextCommand(sql); return Execute(cmd).ToListOf<ProductSummary>(); }
- Calling with expected data example search for %Bikes%
var result = _adventureWorksDataAccess.GetProductSummaryContainingName("%Bike%");
Nothing this does exactly the the parameterized version does
- Calling with expected data example search for '%Bike's%'
var result = _adventureWorksDataAccess.GetProductSummaryContainingName("%Bike's%");
Here we start to get problems the parameters in parameterized version you will have the following SQL executed which will execute as expected
Declare @SearchTerm varchar(64) = '%Bike''s%' Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] where name like @SearchTerm
In the non parameterized version you will have the following SQL executed
Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] where name like '%Bike's%'
Here the server will generate a SQL error.
- Lets Inject: Calling with expected data example search for ''; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT;'
var result = _adventureWorksDataAccess.GetProductSummaryContainingName("'; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT;");
with parameterized version is will run
Declare @SearchTerm varchar(64) = '; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT;' Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] where name like @SearchTerm
This is a execute the search looking for all the products with '; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT;' a odd search term but no damage done:
However with the no parameterized version you will have the following SQL executed which will execute as expected
In the non parameterized version you will have the following SQL executed
Select ProductID, Name, ProductNumber, ReorderPoint, StandardCost, rowguid, ModifiedDate From [Production].[Product] where name like ''; SHUTDOWN WITH NOWAIT;
And you running a SQL connection with a high privilege account you running around trying work work out why the server stopped responding.
Expose the execute methods at your peril
Using the blocks there is no direct way to execute a SQL statement from the calling code. As the developer you may be tempted to expose this to avoid writing you own access methods by making the protected methods public. Working directly with the SQL means as a developer you are responsible for the SQL generated this means responsibility for injection attacks. The simplest way to avoid injection attacks is not executing any SQL that is not 100% controlled by the code and parameterized. The developer is responsible for generating the SQL to be executed and this will be controlled in the DataAccess Layer ie your class. As the developer you are fully responsible here the blocks are simple providing the tool around the protection.